Welcome to the first #ThoughtFULLThursday. Each Thursday, I will bring you tips for building better teams and ourselves. It is so important to build our teams because our teams are who support us. My name is Casey Hasten. I am an Executive Recruiter, Director of Recruiting for VIP, and all-around hiring guru. Today I want to talk to you about the importance of goal setting, especially in the team environment.
But first let me ask you:
- How many of you have set achievable goals?
- How many of you wrote them down?
- And if you did all that, how many of you assess them on a regular basis?
All three of these things are so critical to success in reaching your goals. It all starts with you have to write them down.
Today I am going to talk to you a little bit about using goal setting in a team environment. Each week my team and I have a goal meeting, however, we do more than just set the goals. We also review the goals from the prior week. I work with my team as THEY set their goals for the next week. Notice I said THEY. I let them set their goals because I want them to have true ownership over those goals. I do not want the goal to be a metric given to them that they think is unattainable. If they set their own goals, they will feel they are attainable. Of course, I give them the metrics they need to be successful and if they choose a goal below those metrics, I will stretch them and guide them to better goals. That is my responsibility as their leader.
This meeting is also a great time to go back and look at what worked last week or what did not work. We do that by looking at our goals we set the prior week and our actual results. It also creates a great momentum within the team and allows us to hold each other accountable, to share the struggles and the successes, and reproducing the efforts which worked well. So not only is this a goal setting/goal review meeting, but it also turns into a team-building exercise.
I would recommend if you need a refresher or if you’ve never really done goal setting before that you head over to Jerry Acuff’s Goal Setting Training. Jerry is a renowned salesman and trainer. He has trained some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and knows what he is talking about when it comes to goal setting. This is a free course, so check it out and see if you get some knowledge from it. I would love to hear your thoughts after you take it. As part of my hiring and training process, I have every single person go through this goal setting course. It is so important to me we set goals and we achieve them.
I would love to hear any questions you might have and I am also looking for suggestions for future topics related to teams, team building, as well as recruiting. Thanks for joining me today on this thoughtful Thursday.