As I mentioned in this earlier #bookworm blog, I will be returning to Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich book several times. There is just too much meat to cover in one or two posts.
Today I want to focus on the 9th step: Power of the MasterMind. MasterMind groups have become a real buzzword as of late (or maybe I have just noticed). It seems everywhere you turn, some famous person has a group and you will need to invest in yourself (spend money) to participate. I am not opposed to spending money to better myself, but I believe a true MasterMind group, one in the spirit of what Hill describes in his book (and he was inspired by Dale Carnegie) is one in which each person brings a skill which will uplevel the other members of the group without a fee.
Hill refers to the MasterMind group continuously throughout the book, but really drills down to the essence in this chapter. He describes the mind/brain as a form of energy (I will blog later on Michael Singer’s Untethered Soul which REALLY digs into energy). He says in this chapter, “…a group of brains coordinated (or connected) in a spirit of harmony, will provide more thought energy than a single brain.”
What does this statement suggest? Have you heard the saying, “Great minds think alike”? I believe the previous statement is suggesting the opposite. It is suggesting you gather great minds and let their energies commingle to form even better ideas.
Over the last couple of years, I have gathered a tribe who I now identify as my MasterMind group. I had to say goodbye to some old friends who were not assisting in my journey to achieving my DESIRE (first step) and find some new friends to help me in my journey. I will share the result has been phenomenal! I began this journey before reading Hill’s work, but now I understand the importance of a MasterMind. I have surrounded myself with amazing people who while not better than me, have different strengths than me. I have strengths I bring to the tribe as well so I am giving and taking.
Hill recommends you meet with your MasterMind once a month at a minimum, or weekly if possible. My tribe, the Go-Go Girls, barely sleeps, so we keep our meets to monthly. There is always the random call in-between when needed. I just had to make an emergency call over the weekend to one of my tribe who was closest to the issue I was having so I would not have a mental breakdown.
One of my favorite quotes is from Jim Rohn. “You are the average of the five people closest to you.” I share this one frequently but I believe it speaks straight to the truth of the MasterMind group. You cannot help but emulate those you spend time with. Choose those people wisely. They can be your greatest asset or your weakest link.
Are you part of a Mastermind group?
Now go read, Bookworm!