The reason I began this blog was to give you a real-time view of what it looks like when you begin your personal branding journey. My thoughts were to share the successes and challenges I face so you know you are not alone, regardless of which stage you are in your journey. While the journey has been a blast, there are some hurtles along the way. This blog is about one of my personal hurtles. I need to learn to mind my own business!
We all have those moments where we overhear a conversation about ourselves that is not always pleasant. It is at this moment when we have to decide how we will react. Do we confront the people talking about us? Or do we ignore it and harbor a grudge internally (causing a negative energy block)? It depends on what we overhear, but I want to talk specifically about those comments made related to your success in personal branding or any accomplishment. Those comments that are made like, “who does she think she is?” and “she’s really not that good” or “I knew she would fail.” Ouch. Words hurt…or do they?
As you continue your personal branding journey, there will be those around you who secretly wish they were doing what you were doing, but because they are not, will mock you and try to tear you down. GET READY! It will happen probably sooner rather than later. The more you are doing right and the more you make happen, the more these people will pop out of the woodwork.
Obviously, I had this happen recently and my first response was to go on the defensive. I did not confront, but I did start a campaign designed to showcase my value. I thought this was the best way to show these people I had tremendous value, they just had not recognized it yet. So much wasted energy!
I met with my coach later that week and explained to her what had happened and my plan of attack to counter the negative responses. Do you have any idea her response to me? She said, “What they think about you is none of your business!” I teach a very similar lesson to my team, but it is more along the lines of staying in your hula-hoop and not letting the noise of what other people do affect your performance. This hit really close to home in recognizing this same principle about what others think about you.
She then drilled down with me as to why I cared what anyone else thought about me. I childishly said I want everyone to like me. She laughed. “Not everyone is meant to be part of your tribe,” she told me.
I took her coaching to heart and no longer worry about what others think about me personally or my personal branding. When you put yourself out there to do something great, these people will show up occasionally, but will soon go away. Do not waste your energy on combatting their negativity. You have better things to do!